Sunday, March 20

Sound and text combined

Starting off with some game comments, and the a bit (or a lot) on writing - ending off with some 'casting stuff (yup, I think the term podcasting is to Mac-oriented - it is about on demand targeted distribution, not about the iPod player)

"It is an entirely new perspective on tv - where programs exist more in the form of Talmudic (Wp as fourth hit on Google for the word) commentary - perspectives on perspectives on perspectives" (D. Rushkoff, Renaissance Now! The Gamers Perspective) - talking about shows like the Simpsons, leading on from a talk about going beyond the game (with cheatcodes etc - or for NWN new modules and content...)

So basically it means that you transcend the game when you expand on the basic story (or the rules). Interesting perspective.

[filling my head with the beats of: Adam Curry ] catching up on the Daily Source Code - at the computer now, maybe a bit later on my Zen Micro. Good fun talk-radio and general ranting on recording equipment right now. Now it is guitar-solo-hit-test ... good good good fun

On Creative Writing;
- from a 7 part intro or primer or just plain inspiration (by Cyrus Martin, Author of Deceit and Conquest - dead link? Info here). Even with a nice disclaimer upfront.

"The most important step to completing anything is to start it" - because by the time it is finished (at least if it is in a more "strict" publishing channel than a blog) it will have been re-written and edited quite a few times. So just jump to it. Get a rough idea out the door. Put down some names and places. An emotion and a lingering feeling. The you can flesh it out and build and tune and adjust. And somewhere down the line you'll be finished. If you start

"Make note cards. Draw pictures. Write poems" - now there's an idea (or three if we're going to be overly literal...) Use different formats and methods to spark creativity, and to see things differently. Must give that a shot - maybe I should finally get around to typing in some of my old stuff (both the published poems and the larger assorted sets)

Patience or hesitant?
Second part on c-writing, nice distinction, let the story take it's time and don't rush it. Respect the development, the characters and the drive. That way it will make a lot more sense, both for you and the reader. And it will (hopefully) not feel as if half of the material is just filler since you really wanted to write about something else. Now the only thing to do is let time pass at the right pace. Both in real life (where the basis of the story develops in the back of your mind) and in the story.

And who is my target? Well, maybe Adam Curry! Or at least a man, age probably around 35-ish, dabbles in computers and has read quite a few books (among them most likely Snow Crash, Pattern Recognition and/ or Diamond Age) So in other words I think my reader- let's call him AC for now - has a pretty good frame of reference, as well as a clear goal with reading (since his time is already filled with fun options online and in his social life) - to be entertained and get some thoughts kicked off. AC might be English - or at least has read (and worked?) a lot in English, making it second nature to read a story in it. He probably lives in a medium or large city (depending again on scale of reference - large for Norway is pretty small for China)

When is the story? Now or in the past? (Ie what tense is the most common in the story, past or present) Who tells it? Me or the main characters? (Is it from their perspective, or from an (almost) all-knowing narrator, does it switch between various perspectives or stick with one or two)

"The audience only knows what you tell them, so it's up to you to tell them enough." - so give the details needed, and give them at the right time. No point in telling all the details of Ewok daily life in Star Wars Ep IV... give the details to draw the reader into the story, the world and most importantly the characters. If they connect then everything else is so much easier. So, you might know the world be heart, and a lot of the details - and then the reader will "create" his own version of it as he reads it. Which ties back to my assumption (or goal?) that the reader - Mr AC - has already read something similar to the cyber'ish stuff. And that links on to the tone of the piece - generally it should be "intriguing" or make the reader inspired. Time to return to Lee Sheldons book once again - just finish off reading the last installment I have from Cyrus M.

And another good source for writing tips is Poynter - the 50 tools series is good, mixing journalistic and more prose-oriented material. And it even has assignment, so get typing!

[filling my head with the beats of: DSC-2005-03-14 - Adam Curry ]
Way - I got the plugin working again
{some nice mash-ups on DSC, such as Green Day vs Oasis - in addition to the weird close/far-off effect of his detailed discussion of running late for dinner with his wife, hence actually "cutting" the show short by some 5-10 minutes! Spaced.}

"tra-ansmitters - we don't need no stinking tra-ansmitters" (cool sound byte used in various pod-cast "ads" - "No Stinkin' Transmitters" official show note title)

Ron Bloom and Mr Curry doing a lot to make podcasting into an industry, for both advertisers, listeners and "casters" - latest (at least last week) was PodShow. Not much there yet, but you can sign up - looks like it will (among other things) be a blogger for podcasting, helping people set up their own personal casts (presumably ad supported to cover the slightly higher bandwidth)

Looking into another cast, - new bands... ad with real attitude aired on DSC. And have to check out the heineken podcast dj stuff? Now to find an url (got it)

...and the sun has set some time ago...