You want it, you got it…just download it and pod it"
Adam Curry has been playing it over and over - the new anthem for podcasting, from Cruisebox. Talk about hitting the spot - summing it up nicely in a couple of easy lines, and using the power of music (+ repetition...) to make it heard.
Twice the wine?
And then there is the (by now) 'old' article on John Craven - "A polymath who is as comfortable talking about the Law of the Sea as he is the plumbing nightmares inherent when 200 men a day urinate in a submarine," - talking about using the cold water from the depths to 'generate' faster growing plants, de-salination of water and perhaps even generating some energy. Fascinating concept - see more at their (CHC) official site
There is no spoon...
"It was just the thing to get Lynds off the couch: What if Zeno's real lesson isn't that movement from point A to point B is impossible (obviously it isn't), but rather that there is no such thing as a discrete slice of time?" yes, once again from the big W before the summer (got a bit backlogged by rush client project and summertime).
So is it a big deal or just common sense? The main paper is available from CERN (found at as a pdf - only seven pages - but not an instant read. Look for another post down the line if I get through it! Or make up your own mind.
Say can you see
Rough translation of the end of a column;
"'The Summer Novel?' said my friend, lying in the hammock and reading something she didn't want to show me. 'It just sounds like you're trying to sell me something,' she mumbled. And I guess she is right. It is all to often impossible to say anything without it sounding like a business idea or pitch. Political Art. Summer Novel. Truth and justice."
Being in opposition to the system is just another valid choice the system gives you. By being a hacker you follow 'the rules' of using a computer to connect, communicate and construct your reality. By buying the Adbuster magazine you are supporting the distribution company, the retail outlet and the real-estate owner. No matter how much you want to be different, you can hardly be truly unique as long as you need food and shelter - and even 'going rural' is a trend, just another 'save money and feel great' article in the tabloids. [not the one I was thinking about, but close enough (Norwegian)] Can you subvert a system that wants you to rebel and thereby be the root of the next 'big thing' (grunge, charity bracelets, ...) and thereby keeping the wheels of creative destruction turning?
Take the weekend - sit back - pull a doppio, and give it a thought anyway.