Tuesday, August 2

pirates of the bricks

Grr Arrgh: "a game, involving elements of both roleplaying and tactical combat, in which grown men and women sit on the floor and push toy pirate ships around"

yup - another pirate related post, this time about a Lego (or any other related small figurines and ships). It is a private project by Steve Jackson - yes, the SJ Games one... looks really fun, but it does requier a bit more than the Crimson Coast variety

Speaking of Lego - they have supported a small movie called "Revenge of the Brick", were the figurines/characters are actually allowed to have 'real' weapons. Maybe a slight response to the increasing availability of 'complementary' sets from other producers. Saw quite a lot of them in China - most of them either military or police/rescue related. Or perhaps making TIE fighters made it rather obvious that weapons is a state of mind?