Short update and praise for Scott Siegler - the gore'master of podcasting and podiobooks.
Just started listening to The Rookie;
a story that combines the intense football action of “Any Given Sunday” with the space opera style of “Star Wars” and the criminal underworld of “The Godfather.”
Based on listening to his previous novels (Earthcore, Ancestor and Infection), I've waited for a while before starting to tune in - which is a good thing because I tore through five chapters and a bonus episode on the train today. And I know that I have many more episodes loaded up and ready to play, up to 19 actually so almost all up (he usually does 22). I can imagine the frustration for those who actually listen along and then have to wait for seven days... the story is a true page-turner, the mix of alien species interesting and vivid, and the football a nice frame for his usual "violence and lots of violence" disclaimer. Not for the faint of heart.
There is even an official site for the league - so check out how things are going over at the GFL
, or get your own customized jersey (g.drn customs rules make too much of a hassle right now. shame really, would have been fun to wear one come spring)
Now, if only there was a tie-in for the next Bioware game, Mass Effect... that would be truly a marriage made in a twisted mind of story and action. Mayhap as a Xbox Live download down the road? Even if it seems unlikely now that there is a book deal with Del Ray
...and the sun .is hidden by clouds bringing more snow to a late winter..