As you might have noticed over on the right I've added up a small "ad" for Joost - seeing as the beta is by invitation only, but the number of invites trickling around for regular testers is close to -1 at the moment (ie. 0 by most accounts), it seems sort of strange to blog about it and link there. BUT - hopefully the next release is just around the corner and they will be ready for another batch of lucky hopefuls to join the fray by then.
"combines the best of full-screen television entertainment with online interactive and community benefits to bring an unprecedented selection of video content to viewers anytime, anywhere" [Official launch of Joost brand]
Big words. Huge actually. But in many ways justified so far.
The number of content channels in what is basically a technical and back-end focused beta, supersedes my local cable company's basic offering. The shows look good, they are interesting to watch and sound good. And most importantly; they are making leaps and bounds forward with every incremental release - in terms of resources used, usability and stability.
I'm really looking forward to the day when the plug-in or widget API is opened up - and all the tweakers and hackers out there (perhaps myself included) can start making mash-ups bringing in interactivity of a whole different level than what you see even on dtv today. With "content aware overlays" there is hardly any limit to the potential - just look at all the variations on Google Maps. Then substitute rather static maps with full blown moving images and both big and huge words seem to fit.
In other news two new mash'ing options I came across today;
Yahoo Pipes - with capacity not quite up to the task; "Our Pipes are Clogged!" Earlier you got the frontpage with basic info, but now that is down as well.
Cuts - "create and share your take of online video" - so say goodbye to your official directors cut, and hello to everybody and his dogs' versions. Launching soon, so perhaps a bit more down the road.
...and the sun visit just long enough to keep the tulips alive - yellows, reds, and mixed...