Delving into the numbers today, first off a piece on NewTeeVee on the "season" concept applied to web based series.
Regarding Quarterlife: "it seems to consistently pull in around 100,000 viewers per episode on MySpace"
The once so dominant LonelyGirl is also living up to the name, with viewership for the second season (on Youtube) of around 100k - sans one episode of 4 million plays, called "girl tied up"
Compare that to the new Yahoo Live with ~2600 concurrent users. Or perhaps to the Superbowl - with over 90 million viewers (link via C3 post)
Web-tv and video online? Great idea, superb for niche content and quick supplements to news stories. But still a ways to go before becoming a consistent distribution channel for new'ish content and ideas
...and the sun is shaded by the fog...