The EU is building a digital library - "direct access to some 2 million digital objects, including film material, photos, paintings, sounds, maps, manuscripts, books, newspapers and archival papers"
The prototype was launched November 20th, but quickly take down - due to excessive traffic reported as "more than 10m hits per hour". Comparing that to the official stats here in Norway with clocking in some 350m PI last week - should equate to 2m per hour over the whole week, and a bit more during peaks.
So the conclusion? Great idea - to bad about the miscalculation on the interest. looking forward to the re-launch!
Might have been a better idea to get things going with just some of the content types - those not needing a lot of server prowess for pushing out. Seems like the partner list is a bit thin in terms of high tech and hosting - no Akamai or Cisco here.
Can't imagine YouTube and Google seeing anything less with their expanded HD offering over the last few days...