Tuesday, June 29

Fun distractions

The last shall be the first, so in order to work my way back through the pile of blog ideas, notes and clippings - I thought it would be easiest to start of with the newest stuff

And one of the newest items is in fact one of the oldest - Wired Reread is a blog going through back issues of Wired, presenting ads that might not have stood the test of time; like the book ad for Windows 3.1 Bible - because faith was required. So far the total is up to 36, with more sure to come as Mr. Søndergaard keeps on browsing.

The other fun concept seems to be either gone or down. 'twas a MacBook cover made as a book - hence the BookBook. The cached page is still at Google, sans the images. They have some products listed on Amazon, but no BookBook.

Then for the gripe of the day, @blogger; apparently either the new compose editor has "forgotten" a few shortcuts (ctrl-shift-a links yes thank you) - or Google Chrome feels the need to override them. 'tis a wonderful life - bold and italics work fine though

- ...and the sun just went away for some evening showers, still summer and warm so no complaints...