Saturday, July 12

26 things - the international photgraphic scavenger hunt
Take pictures of 26 differenet subjects - such as love, home, sound and footwear - and link to them for a world wide exhibition...
Nice twist to a traditional concept (usually 24 pictures = one roll of film, no second chances!) - taken to a digital edge.

Maybe a basis for blogging going forward - blog on one subject each day for a month, then swap the entries around?

sun is shining, so this is all for now - summer is good

Thursday, July 10

each word is drawn on a string, dragged out of my mouth direct from my soul...painful but necessary, at least that's what i tell myself... - Kylie

...reading some other blogs today - sitting here in sunny Norway (a wondeful summer evening, it barely gets dark at this time of year) it feels strange to "connect" to someone so far away, to be a part of their feelings, their life and feelings.

Blogging is a tool - a state of mind and mayhap a new paradigm of communication. how will it and the internet evolve as picture phones evolve? Let's find out!

Tuesday, July 1

Way... a first short line on the "New" interface - finally working from XP with fancy buttons

way to go Google [that's to the new toolbar beta, using the 'old' 1.70 version and loving it]

Some thoughts on the way out - are writers able to judge their own work?
Should they be allowed to reply to reviews of their works - or are they too partial?
Democray - free speech - or proper distance?
Nordic term "habilitet" - conflict of interest most apropriate translation

Brings up the question - is a book just a book (product) or more than the product - an artwork, a creation... and as such the basis for discussion and increased insight rather than merely profit margins and TRS calculations?