Monday, April 14

Stress - success
It rhymes, it matches - can we think about one without the other?

How does life compare to living - and how can we match them gently togethet? [ml2 - or fastco]

Always to much to be done - a back log, some books (too cheap not to buy them...) an magazines (too interesting not to pick them up - while they last in their real form [1, 2, 3]

Inspired by Allison today... some of her own input

What can we throw? Recycle - yard sale - charity?
Family heirlooms or just space takers and dust collectors?
"If you own more than seven things, they will own you" - used in a commercial with a guru... but the twist is that he rest everything else - and hence has all the "neccesities" of a modern household anyway.

inside, outside - wind is ripping along between the houses, down the valley towards the sea
"sun on a cold day - snow on a gray day" - sparrow