Tuesday, August 5

Summers lease

So, summer isn't quite over - actually it almost just keeps getting better, warmer, sunnier, .... but my week (and then some) out of town - is over - and I'm back to typing up some thoughts and musings

Relationships takes two - breaking up only takes one
Is this way commitment is so hard - and the reason friendships seem to last longer than "real" relationships?

"Cloakroom community" - when you hang your coat in a restaurant or at the theatre, it gets close to a lot of other jackets - does this mean that you have something in common with the others having dinner that day - or seeing the same show? Is that all it takes to make a community - spatial closeness due to soverlapping plans (independent of the reasons behind - birthday party, breaking up, celebrating a business deal - or trying to make one)

...added a title in October, reformating for new template and new blogger style
(and yes, it is a nod to the bard himself, W.S, sonnet # anyone)