Friday, October 31

Britain - and humor?

Saatchi Gallery is the latest of new reuses of old buildings in London. As power (be it literal as in Tates bankside location, or polical as here in county hall) moves out, art moves in.
And this week the "shocking" (or modern art) gallery was host to the political elite - at least the would be elite in form of the proposed next leader of the conservative party.
"I suspect the Tories are so desperate to be united they would unite behind John Prescott" - Simon Hoggart
For those unfamilar with the UK behind hipster PM Tony Blair - Prescott is actualy the deputy prime minister... for Labour! Now there is a thought - all politicians are more or less interchangable, so why not put the "runner up" in charge of the opposition, and let him hammer anTony for all his slick remarks?

That would certainly fit with Hirst's work - Away from the Flock, or as the vital (no pun intended) stats go: steel, glass, lamb and formaldehyde solution, 96.5 x 149 x 51 cm