Tuesday, February 24

can You see?

steganography is used to supplement encryption [def] - hiding something without traces of the hiding (ie unlike encrypting a textfile - which creates a jumble of bits & signs), the message and the carrier (ideally) looks like just another image, and with thousands (several i'm sure) new making their way onto the net everyday - a method for the future. See it in action - or read more from Wired (way - same example link as I used! spooky!)

So - why this cryptic interest now? Simple - the pocket edition of Pattern Recognition by William Gibson (and one link leads to something completely different 6927 All-Terrain Vehicle - a Lego space-kit that makes me nostalgic) - and now I found out that he had ablog - but is now back to writing his next book ("Time for me to get back to my day job, which means that it?s time for me to stop blogging." [1])
The interesting thing is that Penguin doesn't acknowledge the edition - they only link to different eBook editions.... is it a limited testrun for Scandinavia - or is it a offline centered push?
Or are they simply behind on updating - the US edition was launched on the 4th - so they could be waiting for him to hed over and do some signing? Anyway, so far a good story - more later maybe?

UPDATE: found it! Penguin Paperbacks (file size: 490KB) - a pdf catalogue lists it as a june release!!!

...and the sun is here longer each day - spring is on the way...