Monday, April 5

Feed and rays

RSS bonanza is all over the web- and it is even included in most open source cms, such asXaraya (wooo... .99 released, 1.0 just around the corner... big q is how fast they will (have to) make 1.01 or 1.1for fixes) and PostNuke (well, increasingly when .8 comes out someday over the rainbow)... but it is as a lot of other thing - several things at once - or as o'reily put it: "RSS which can stand for RDF Site Summary, Rich Site Summary, or Really Simple Syndication". Confused or exalted? Yes please.

Hellboy (img) movie is out in the US- and according to the director "like having your favourite Frank Sinatra song sung by Tom Waits"... now there is an image... he even looks a bit like ol'red - but just a bit!

On a less fun note - even though spring is coming and the sun is returning a bit longereveryday, it might not be a bright as before. A phenomenon called "Global dimming" - first described by Atsumu Ohmura in 1985 - "... results suggested that levels of solar radiation striking the Earth's surface had declined by more than 10% in three decades" [guardian - good overview and suggest further reading] So, maybe the future won't be so bright that you have to wear shades...?

Rebecca Solnit - From the River of Shadows is getting rave reviews - five for five from a top 50 reviewer... part biography, part musings and part history of movies and inventions/shifts.

...and the sun - is it dimming?...