Sunday, May 9

From Jessica to Lynndie

Back when the Iraqi operation still held some mystique and respect, the story of Jessica Lynch and her "heroic capture" and the almost-live-on-tv rescue operation (as directed by the Black Hawk Down The Movie crew?) made instant headlines and served to justify the presence. Then it turned out that she had never fired her weapon, not fought the Iraqis, not been mistreated - actually hardly guarded when she was rescued... the doctors had tried to contact the Americans to get her safely back. And finally she stood up for herself - and spoke out against the misuse of her story.

Now they focus is on prisons - and especially the actions of Lynndie England. 21 years old, pregnant - and an instant "celebrity" due to the pictures finally published by Washington Post among others. A product of the poor America? A scapegoat thrown out to avoid the big picture? Or just another wasted youth getting a kick from living on the edge? [all links to images this time]

War - a horror and a nasty time for all. The number of dead Americans rise each day. They are bombed, burned and attacked from the dark. And they are desperate to stop it. But can they? Is it possible? The famed Col. Kurtz said it in Apocalypse Now; "Because they could stand that these were not monsters. These were men... trained cadres. ..... Because it's judgment that defeats us. " So - the Vietnam syndrome? Or the general trouble of beeing in effect an occupying force? When you fight for you country, on your soil - the willingness to give something above (or below) and beyond is so much stronger.

And there is Willards coment: "We cut 'em in half with a machine gun and give 'em a Band-Aid" and Kurtz view on proper style; "We train young men to drop fire on people. But their commanders won't allow them to write "fuck" on their airplanes because it's obscene! " There is no simple answer, no 2+2 = 4 solution to the problem.

For another take on the paths of the two young soldiers - check the independent "Jessica Lynch and Lynndie England: An American odyssey"

And the final quote - from the extended Redux version;

Willard: Who's in charge here?
Soldier: In charge? I don't know, man. I'm just doing what I'm told - I'm just a working girl

...and the sun is hot today and was great yesterday - summer is here...