Monday, November 1

Tomorrow is another day

Red vs Blue - the machinima and the term for describing the states in the US, coined after the last election, most likely based on a map printed by USA Today. has a flash-version going back to 1980 - and has been updating the 2004 edition based on polls. Currently: 218-179 for Bush... Kerry is slipping fast, even California might turn red. Another set of maps from UCSB gives different views of the same.
Morgenbladet had a wonderful use of images (both from Scanpix) - showing respectively W. surrounded by haybales and a stand with the Eagle and a mike, and John (nr 1) in a dark suit, walking on a New York sidewalk, with neon signs and the mcD arches in the background. Country or city - urban or rural. Sort of amusing that W. with his strong ties to Reagan and the anti-commie agenda should be the "red" one. Most other places red is communism or socialism, whilst blue is conservative.

"Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken." (perception is not all it seems? you can try to become something you're not - but you will still be you at the core)

"It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything." (burn my bridges when I get to them - dylan..., if you own more than five things - the things will own you - so cut your ties and drift away.)
-Tyler Durden, fight club gives you the gospel [img]

There is an Eminiem comic[official boring link] coming, as well as the new album - Encore. Weird... and slightly disturbing[images and info]. Hey, hey - they're the monkees...

Lebanon - an ancient place, or just another mess?
History - wikipedia... civil war in 1976, since then Syrian troops and de-facto control. Old customs in new wrappings? The food is the main export to the north - meze (small clay pots filled with a large number of differnet courses, shared among the guest at the table, and enjoyed with a tortilla/wrap bread torn in piece to scoop up healthy goodness) and bellydancing.

...and the sun is back on schedule - no more "daylight saving" (or Summer Time as it is called up here)...