Sunday, May 8


The Nobel Peace center is coming along nicely, and the architect David Adjaye was interviewed in Morgenbladet. One of the interesting points was his concept of "Idea stores" - as the new brand/incarnation of the old library. [img]

Because reading a book makes your mind start up again? As opposed to being slowed down by "just" watching TV or shopping? But do books have to be "mind boggling" or informative? Can't they be "just" plain entertainment and time-passers? What makes it an idea rather than just an experience? The fact that they have magazines, internet connection and encylopedias?

"But there is a world out there that feels disconnected from this particular brand, the library. So you have to set up a new model." [1]

Split interests?
Cropped short hair, Slipknot banging on the Zen, and sitting on the balcony drinking a chilled Italian white and reading the "academic weekly" Morgenbladet

(?Morgenbladet will be an independent weekly newspaper focusing on culture, politics and research. It shall be national and globally oriented, and shall increase the interest for critical thought and exchange of opinions. The newspaper targets readers that are more than average interested in culture and society" - rough translation of the vision/mission) - and yes this was yesterday when the rain was but a bit of water in the sky

And from FT last weekend: coming on strong is jewellery for men - such as the stylish items by Dane Georg Jensen - flash site, select the GJ brand, the jewellery, men and perhaps necklaces - victory.

...and the sun is gone gone gone - rainy Sunday...