Wednesday, July 6

Random bookseller

Random Family by Adrian Nicole LeBlanc seems like an interesting read (will take some time to have it shipped over here and make it to the top of the 'pile' - which hopefully will be slightly decreased over the next weeks as the overdue summer holiday sets in, having been already shortened by a week due to an urgent client project)
It was mentioned by Ã?sne - and it obviously brings up some of the same 'issues' - how should we live in the modern day - and as important - how do you tell an intimate story of someones life, love and despair without exploiting or embarrassing them?

How far can a journalist or an author go in putting thoughts and ideas into other peoples words, heads or actions? How do you tell the whole story - without knowing 'the whole truth and nothing but the truth'?

Can we really know or understand someone by spending time with them? By sharing meals and everyday moments? Do we even understand ourselves all the time...?