Monday, June 12

Blogger expand

Vampus is one of the more prominent and outspoken Norwegian bloggers. She has recently graduated to an additional blog on the website for on of the major "fashion" magazines, Henne (aka Her when translated from N.)

Quote: "VamPus smilte søtt til fotografen og sa; Takk, jeg klarer meg selv!"

So, for once actual "talent" wins out over generic celebrity faces - or does it? Would she have gotten the column without the previous spate in relation to thDanishsh cartoons? Maybe, but it is clear that the willingness to go above and beyond in terms of taking a stand - and most importantly voice an opinion loudly, is what will get you more exposure. If you can write, even better. If you can also supply some cred oexistingng readers - you're halfway there.

So, if you are looking for more mainstream exposure; make sure to fit into an easily branded niche - preferably an empty one, then take a stand for (or against) something everybody can relate to.

[just a disclaimer - this is in no way an attack on VamPus, she has been bloggin for a year and a half or so, and mainly has opinions on a lot of things - from shoes thorough politics to MTV]

And yes, there is a bit of an offline backlog that has yet to make it on here, looking for some time to edit and link up in the coming days (new laptop, ultra portable from Lenovo)