Sunday, July 30

Art across borders and time

An exhibition and two artist - first off there is major photo exhibit in Milan (Italy) at the Forma

Life: "till 29 August 2006 features the best in LIFE photography. 140 photographs specially selected for this show, including some of the best known pictures taken by LIFE photographers – such as Eisenstaedt, Bourke-Whitre, Mydans, Parks, W. Eugene Smith, Robert Capa."

Then in keeping with the times, perhaps a different look at Iran might be suitable; enter stage left Farhad Moshiri, a painter miing classical potteryshapes with more modern graphical design styles. Or perhaps Rokni Haeri, whos art falls somewhere between Picasso and religious drawings.

All this and a lot of other ideas and impulses come from this summers edition of Intelligent Life, a yearly dose of summer reading courtesy of the staff over at the Economist.

And so the vacation is over, the net is online again and tomorrow the small laptop will bring up a series of post from last week.