Thursday, January 11

Surfing in a whole new way

The Venice Project™ Beta-Testing Program -Cleared to blog

Yes, I'm officially a bandwidth hog at the moment, joined up with the beta testing of the newest buzz on the net (even if it might take a bit of a backseat to CES and Macworld this week) - The Venice Project, combining TV and PC - giving out some 200 mb per hour.

First opinions are often just that, but I'll put up some notes;
  • Nice interface when you get the gist of it
  • Sometimes a short pause when changing channels
  • Good video quality so far
  • Processor more tasked than memory

Considering that the beta is only just ramping up, I think there will be a great deal more to come - and that this is just the first step on a brand new and old road (new for TVP, old for those talking convergence in 2001)

...and the sun is somewhere on the other side of the globe at the moment...