Monday, September 10

5 novels to a game

On writing for Bioware games, Drew K. put it in context; "Anyone who has played a BioWare game knows they're big. They're very big. 500,000 words, average" -so with your average fantasy novel coming in around 80 - 100 thousand words, that makes the game the size of five novels. Certainly looking forward to the game, will make for some wonderful escapism over xmas if past performance is any indication.

No wonder he could easily write the prequel Revelations at the same time (it is next in my reading queue, having just finished the paperback verison of his Star Wars almost-game tie-in Darth Bane - a different take on the SW universe, tackling motivation and the line between right and wrong in a different light than the movies. Working on KOTOR and possibly some of the more evil options in the other games gives him a broader perspective - and perhaps also a bit more "leash" in terms of the license owners and their view of what proper SW is all about.

...and the sun makes for an intense blue sky, offsetting the fall color on the leaves nicely...