Monday, December 31

Holiday stories - assorted notes

First off it was really interesting to have a look at the total Scandinavian sales for the X360, PS3 and Wii from Video Game Chartz - very similar starting curves, up to around 10k, despite vastly different settings and price points. Then for the last few weeks it is easy to see the combined effects of pre-xmas sales push, new versions and increased availability. With 350k units the X360 has a good lead, but the Wii has passed 300k and the PS3 is actually up to 200k (due in large part to the new cheaper version sans PS2 compatibility - not that big an issue since a lot of homes have one already, estimated total sales of 3m units, compared to some 600k for the original XBox)

The site was part of an article on the Wii and StumbleUpon for viewing videos easily - which could be another roadblock for paid IP services, be it TV or VOD. Which might help explain part of the reasoning behind MS latest re-org on their assorted TV/media/video services, which has apparently been an unknown fact for close to two months. Almost an feat in and of itself in this digital age. Or perhaps mostly an indication of the role of Microsoft in the TV related world?

And then, speaking of knowledge of the World - and all the strange things in it, a Pew report on knowledge of current affairs got some coverage over at RI; " Building the News Habit in the Digital Age" - with Daily Show and Colbert Report out-pacing the national average by 20%-points in getting a "high" level (15 or more of 23 correct). So, either they are up to speed before they watch, or laughter helps with fixing facts. You figure it out!

On that note (most likely); here's to a bright new 2008 and another set of irregular posts!

...and the sun is nice today, time to get out and enjoy it right now...