Sunday, December 21


Not a word yet? Well, it should be when you need to describe Google - always another beta and labs around the corner. The latest one I just got a heads up about when posting the last post, was Blogger in Draft: "the official blog for Blogger in draft"
- so I'll be swapping my dashboard over and hopefully having as much fun and use from that as from the labs extensions to Reader.

First up? Geotags and learning more about GeoRSS.

snazzy new toolbar for the compose tab - easy to add in location, hopefully it will have a default/common list along the way to avoid searching each time. Increase the textfield - is that new or draft? Nice anyways for those longer posts

Impressions 2:
reverting the code for the widgets also fixed up the impressions widget, and got the location span in place - but it "killed" my tag-cloud edits to the frequent labels. Oh well, there should be a backup nearby.