Wednesday, December 3

Keep going, keep improving

A wonderful and inspering post on how you need to keep on going in order to improve your skills as a photographer.

Doesn't matter if it is "just" a hobby - the way to improve and get better is to do it, over and over. Get the basics inside and on automatic. Digital means endless supply of "film" - so there is no need to skimp. [Found by tweet from]

And if you need some more inspiration or guidance, there are several good podcasts on photography out there (Tips from top floor, photowalkthrough, martin bailey,...)

Not to forget a recent post on eirikso - gives some visual aides for different ISO, aperture and shutter. Now get out there and make your own test and flip thorugh them in picasa.

...and the sun fades fast this time of year...
-finished Rep.Commando - True Colors today (good yarn, fun stuff, need to get Order66)
and picked up the Clone Wars dvd along with Kung Fu Panda
for some nice animated fun over the days ahead