Tuesday, June 29


Yes, I've jumped on the glorious bandwagon - a double whammy of corporate inducements joined the ride as I jumped onto a new template based design for the blog (and finally got around to getting it wider, nice touch with slider for both total and sidebar widths)

First off I added AdSense to get some first hand experience from tweaking it and adjusting the settings - not that the current or historical traffic numbers give me too much to work with...

The second thing that has been on the todo list for a while, was to try out the Amazon Affiliate integration that was being touted. As a mild Amazon Addict myself, it seems like a good fit - and also a good excuse to actually write up a few short posts on some of the books I've flown through after getting the Kindle Global Edition.

I now have the Kindle software on my Touch (used mainly for listening to podcasts and podiobooks), my personal laptop (less and less in use - see next item), the iPad (great for watching web video, playing games, twitter, mail and general news overview) and on my iPhone.

But still I read on the actual Kindle device and love it - for a lot of the same points raised by JES in his post 
"Kindle – my perfect vacation companion" - this afternoon I was outside in the sun while junior was splashing in his tiny pool and running around the terrace. So the 'book' was in the side pocket of my cargo shorts, and I could get a couple of pages at a time when he was occupied. Lightweight, stays "on" and great in bright light? Perfect summer reading.