Sunday, October 3

Learning? No so fast

Picked up a NYT piece a while ago from a tweet by Tim O'Reilly;

Forget What You Know About Good Study Habits, By Benedict Carey from September 6, 2010

Summed up; a disconnect between science findings and popular opinions (no! say it ain't so....)
But there is more; it is better to vary - both in terms of content/subject and place of study. And repeat.

Seems to match up pretty good with the way my own studies were set up - doing four or five different courses at a time, each with a mix of lecture, assignments and projects - spanning roughly four months and then a month of deep diving before final exams. Preparing for the exams by doing the previous exams - thereby mixing up the types of tasks and focus.

But still a nice read and good to know now that junior is in kindergarten, looking ahead to "learning games" and other boost to give him a solid foundation

- ...and the sun hasn't been out in view over the weekend, fall is here and the storms are making themselves known...