Saturday, June 16

Magazines go web?

Several concepts and developments so far this year, in bringing a more flexible set of tools for presenting content on the web, in the browser.

Adobe is really pushing the boundaries and working hard to maitain a position as both tech and thought leader. Issue #3 of Appliness just came out, and as both a tech demo and a reference the first two were solid. (Even if the site has bugs in the archive links on the blog, and lacks links for the authors listed...)

And the work on text flow inside containers first released as a special version of webkit? Stunning. Took some time but it made it into a few builds.

Looking forward to hear if there is any further enhancement in the iOS 6 package. It is listed as "partailly" supported in the upcoming Safari 5.2. Thankfully the specs are moving ahead independently of the test cases.

Shame can't get the demo to run properly now in v19 [woops - forgot the about:flag - has to be enabled manually for now...] - here is the  announcement and link from back in november 2011:
Corlan provides a demo page that enables you to see text reflow in action (assuming you've the latest release of Chrome, naturally)
Netmag piece on Chrome support

- ...and the sun is fading in the sky as this is written - had to pump up both the screen and the backlight from 1 to 3. Still not putting on the lights. Summertime. When the living is easy...