Friday, June 29


Planning on digging into some more Dexter over the weekend - so it was fun to see a story on new equations for blood spatter in Wired (20-05 issue, story not online, apps only)

Illustration, trajectories Wikipedia
There is, however, a Wikipedia article on "bloodstain pattern analysis" - with a solid assortment of images and animations (like the one linked on the left) explaining some of the maths and science behind it.

Also came across "Introduction to Blood Spatter Analysis"- a full on handout with excersises and tasks, taking you through the very basics of measuring and identifying patterns. It is from back in 2003, but the basics should still apply pretty well.

Dropping single drops from assorted heights, then onto multiple drops from same height, assorted surfaces and so on. #Science

Sometimes the smallest things can make a huge difference.