Thursday, May 16

No worries, no happy?

"The no-problem problem":
An organization that's run on emergencies and reaction to incoming doesn't know what to do when there are no problems.

So true, isn't it?

If the culture is all about putting out fires, then the fire marshal is the man in charge, with the shiny buttons and all the attention.

If the world is about to end, then you worry a lot. But if it is only your current business model that has an expiration date, how do you shift gears into innovation, expansion and delighting the customers you do have for as long as you have them?

Can you do both? Or all three?

Man the pumps, keep the band playing - and still sell tickets to space?

Oh yes, that mixes Titanic with Virgin Galactic via the Megastores as a mental link for issues. It is wonderful to talk about the ability to disrupt yourself, or cannibalize yourself before someone else does it faster. But you still have to juggle the existing business, develop it a bit every day, and deliver on the promises every second.