Thursday, June 20

Dumb and dumber? D'oh...

Well now, as Wordpress would say, this is a bit embarresing... down to the last few drafts and then there is this;

Ben canosha:
1. Review information omnivore ?
2. "web makes smart people smarter, dumb people dumber..."
- need skill to get value  Easy to fall through auto cracks?

So, it looks like I wanted to write something about Ben. Casnocha that is. Most likely after hearing him on SPOS #310 a year ago. But trying to find the book review he talked about is turning up as little now as it most likely did then. 

Guess we'll have to run with part two - more or less a qoute at that;
"web makes smart people smarter, dumb people dumber..."
If you just let the sites serve up what ever makes their ctr go boom, then you might not be getting all the value you could from the web. It is still a slightly lean forward proposition, at least in terms of curating your curators.

Of all the millions of twitter accounts you can follow, how many add value, for you, in your position at your skill level and in that industry? Or the industry you want to get to? 

Make a list, or three. And then cull it every now and again, removing those that no longer add to the flow.

Same goes for blogs and assorted sites - get a reader, like feedly, set up with a handful of starting points. Then follow links and add in the good ones you find.

Supplement it with a semi-smart tool like Zite or Flipboard, but spend some time pushing the direction you need to go up front.

Find three or five key areas you are intrigued by, and that will help stretch you. Find a few at the edge of comfort, and at least one just beyond.

Then take a step back, add a list or two just for fun stuff, and do the same for blogs or topics. Be it specialty coffee, ManU or Dilbert. Every diet needs a bit of sugar and dessert.