Tuesday, June 18

Snap your way around

There is no better way to change how you experience the place you live, than by getting out the camera - and going for a walk. And since I like a lot of others use my mobile as only camera, the first part is easy.
Stuck in time
The second part - the walking - might require a bit more effort. Hopefully summer will grace us with some suitable days, but if not - then a large umbrella and some boots will make the experience as memorable.

For some having a clear path is the best way to get to it. Personally I prefer the random stroll, letting the images build the story and the path.

Pick a place you often walk past. But stop there. Try to take ten snaps, at least five different subjects - right there. 

Then pick one of them as a theme for the next hour or so, and off you go.

Remember the "keeper ratio" - one in fifty might be the one to print and hang on the wall. Five can go on insta. Burn the others to a disc for eternity and beyond.

Post inspired by CC, namely the Wandering and Wondering;
Never forget that we don’t need a map to find our way. Yesterday, as I took my camera for a walk along the coast of Victoria, British Columbia I had no purpose beyond enjoying every minute of it.