Sunday, July 28

Love the one you're with! For free.

Love the one you're with? Yes, it seems like a trite old love song. But is about trying to find the gold you have access to. Rather than dreaming of the Moon, you need to live on Earth a while longer.

Mitch did a short piece on motivation and work with a video talk by Dan Ariely included as extra bonus.

And since it is a Ted, i'll embed it here as well;

Do you work because you have to have a job, or because you have to do the work?

Is it about motivation or simply compensation?

It is a drive or are you driven?

Pushing it to the next level, or running around in circles?

One of the reasons that I really love reading Ariely, is because almost all his stuff challenges the basic assumptions we make every day.

Like the discussion and experiments on value
As you might have guessed by now, Zoe, and the other kids to whom I offered the same deal, was completely blinded by FREE! About 70 percent of them gave up the better deal, and took the worse deal just because it was FREE!
Read more at location 998

You don't care how much you save in actual terms, if one offer is FREE - it overrides every logical calculation and trade off, almost like divide by zero - it approaches infinity on the mental utility charts.

Getting a glass of free beer at the company outing? Compared to a regular rise? It all depends on how it is framed - like the discussion on social vs market norms, and attaching a price to gifts or favors;

My feeling so far is that standardized testing and performance-based salaries are likely to push education from social norms to market norms. The United States already spends more money per student than any other Western society.
Read more at location 1364

Being a teacher is more about a calling, than a job. It is about sharing knowledge, preparing the future and helping guide others. Or it should be if we want it to make sense for all involved.

If the teacher is making an effort, it is a lot easier to expect it of the student. But if it is about the money, then the student might all to easily compare the effort to future rewards. How does reading poetry improve my lifetime earnings? 

If we can't light the fire, we'll fade away...