Monday, March 10

Motivation - how, what and where to find it...

The main challenge with writing a good coloumn/book/application - is finding the motivation - and then letting it seep into the text. You can tell the differnece easily between a cut'n-paste letter and one with "feeling" - it grabs your attention, you feel the connection and the energy.

So how to do it? Don't say it if you don't mean it? Only write when you are fired up and the various parts seem to jump up from nowhere? Get a good cup of coffe and think it through before writing?

What makes you tick? If you understand what really gets your juices pumping (in a non-sexualy way...) - then it is easier to find that reserve and push the feeling when you just have to write something, anything - to get through the day.

So, now I'm heating up the Gaggia and writing an entry here to get myself going for something a bit more mundane... gogogogogogo!!!