Who am I?
Not in a life, universe and everything - philosophical way - but more down to earth - who is it that is writing these blog-entries under the Sparrow tag?
Well, I'm from Norway - a small country in the North of Europe - between England and Russia...(see the Flash animation at the link for details) - in the Old Days Norway (and most of Scandinavia) was the home of the Vikings - traders and looters of yore, but today we mainly produce oil and gas, and some fish (salmon for everyone, various other for sushi in Japan).
Further, I am a man - a boy - quite simply male. I have my own appartment, I pay the bills - so I guess that makes me an adult and hence a man. But I don't have all the answers or a clear view of where I am going right now - so that makes me feel "not grown up" - eternal youth or just another adolesent? You decide...