Saturday, October 2

Oil Above $50

"Oil Closes Above $50 a barrel for the first time yesterday as concerns linger about damage to oil production in the Gulf of Mexico from Hurricane Ivan" (W. Post)

-and another "mark" is reached. Being here in Norway it certainly gives mixed feelings; first it feels good for the future of our nation, sweeping in the oil and gas profits by the barrel ("crude" pun...). And the thought that maybe, just maybe the average American will have to consider when and how to use his car. But on the downside the continued high price might lead to slower economic development around the globe, and continued exploitation/exploration in enivromentally fragile areas... and there is all to often the good 'ol "oil for blood" - corruption, despotism etc in certain oilproducing areas.

"for want of a nail, the kingdom was lost" - mostly a proverb about details, but also about consequences; one thing leads to another, who in time has its own impact on events. Money to a rebel group today - big trouble down the road anyone?