Saturday, October 2

Seeing what we can't see

Catching up before I get to far into the latest issue of Wired;

Discovery Channel had a nice segment on "Proof Positive" about an image enhancement/visualization tool - possibly (but not likely) from MinXray, used to create 256 shades of gray from a basically monochrome picture - and presenting it in 3D as valleys and hills - thereby making for easier comparison and understanding (think fingerprints, xrays and writing)

And coming up - virtual history (Norwegian link) - a computer-assisted view on the world as it was.

So you thought you were safe on your cell? puts another nail in that coffin by sending out sms with a fake/chosen number. So, spoofing is coming to a phone near you... are you sure your girlfriend asked you to buy a catsuit, or that you are invited to a party at the boss' house? Maybe not anymore. (Technical note: exploited a vulnerability/feature of the GSM network, hence not applicable directly worldwide - put it is all about using IP to transmit and initiate messages)

And a short snippet from the holiday;
"Floating, hardly moving, not really here at all. The sea is so clear, feel it, smell it, letting it move me about as a float gently on the surface. No boat, no guide. Just water holding me up."

[filling my head with the beats of: Bad Seed - Metallica ]

(yes, I finally got around to downloading and installing the winamp connection for w.bloggar again)

...and the sun is deeply missed today, on a cold and gray fall day...