Saturday, March 19

More Info - but not the right one

Missing info - a Wired first; either a typo in the mag or simply a mess up... the link was supposed to go to info on the Lessing podcast, but it only contains an old story on Asimov (and a link to Bruce Sterlings blog)

shame shame... on the article page there is a direct link to the mp3, but that is hardly podcasting - that is just plain old downloading. Oh well... sometimes hype overcrowds reason and understanding.

(well, on his own blog it was posted "inline" about a month ago - and yes, it is basically just him reading the column for you, a very very basic experiment of the tech rather than the oppourtunity)

For some real podcasting - grab the program from Mr Curry (open source - feel free to help improve it), and grad some recommended RSS feeds

speaking of soundbytes, the most animated band around - the Gorillaz are coming out with their second album in May. Looks like a good funmix of guest. Looking forward to it. (video previewed at SXSW