Tuesday, August 29

Flickr goes mapped

Now there is a new way to play with your flickr images - a drag and drop interface for showing where the images is from (or geocoding if you want it in technical terms). It is really easy to use, since you can filter your own images by several different kinds of criteria (date uploaded, set, not coded etc) - and then simply drag them onto the map to assign a location.

Convenient? Check
Fast? Check
Fun? Check

So, a visual online world has just taken one step closer to becoming a reality. Even if they might need to do some minor adjustments (such as easily allowing you to add to the same 'spot' as others by chosing accuracy or getting a pop-up), it is a great step forward and a good response to the ease of upload from the Picasa beta

...and the sun is well hidden, fall is coming on fast with rainclouds closing in from all direction...