Thursday, August 17

Mix or match?

The myth of the living-room PC: "My tech-savvy friends who can afford anything they want set up a huge HDTV with TiVo, cable, and DVD playersÂ?then sit in front of it with a laptop on their knees. They use Google and AIM while watching TV, but they keep their 2-foot and 10-foot gadgets separate." (Paul Boutin - Slate Magazine)

So, no need for convergence? There is more than enough to do on each "island" (especially if you add in a PS2 and/or Xbox to the mix, then you have all you need both places) - youTube isn't ready for a huge screen, and with dvd burners you can easily transfer the content you want both ways.

Convenience is probably the key factor - at least for me. It is a lot faster to pick up a series on a dvd boxed set, than it is to program the vcr or hook the pc up to the cable and the tv. Because we have the whole season at once, we decide how many episodes to watch - and how frequently. And the quality is always top notch.

Maybe that is why I haven't included any TV cards in the planned setup for a new home pc - but have been considering getting a separate box and just use some of the old components for a pvr and mediahub.

And the new Slate design? Nice, especially the slide-menu.