Wednesday, August 1

Spoilers or discussions?

Article from the MIT Convergence Culture Consortium blog,

Does Peeking Spoil the Fun?

"Does not contain Harry Potter spoilers, does contain a Star Wars spoiler" [pt 1 and 2]

Raises an interesting debate / question as to when and how long something can be considered a spoiler - Star Wars is 30 years old and a part of the culture, so most both fans and acquaintances will probably be well aware of the overall "summary" and most potential revelations.

But the last Harry Potter book has just been released, and not really translated into all the localized versions most suitable for kids or the "YA" market outside the US. So, does talking about what the title refer to make a spoiler - or do you have to go even further into the lives and deaths and other character development?
(As a sidenote the official site for JKR is available inEnglish, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Japanese - and has not been updated since the 18th, the diary at least)

So, when do we draw the line between pre-release (spoiler) and 30 years on (not spoiler)? A week after for a TV show episode or a major movie? A month for a book or a niche movie?

Or is the point about flagging and marking spoilers moot, since people might talk about it on the bus or in the supermarket anyway without your consent or control? And the only viable way to see and read as soon as possible?