Thursday, August 2

Why the PS3 is 60gb only?

"the simplest guide on the net on how to upgrade your PS3 hard drive" from GamePro certainly begs the question of why the 20gb version is not available here in Norway. Excluding the time to back up, format and restore it does not look like it would take more than 15 minutes to swap the drive. But still, since the current USD rate puts the retail price at nearly $1000 for the 60gb version - it is little wonder it isn't "flying off the shelves" when you can pick up a PS2 for about $150 new (and it still has the most sold games over here, with SingStar and Buzz leading the mass market into the friendly world of hilarious digital experiences).

...and the sun is surely out there, somewhere behind the gray'ish clouds covering most of the sky...