Thursday, December 4

Ads work

And so does free stuff. Along with some other stuff for xmas I put in an order for season 1 of Dexter today- two things that helped push it into my basket were the ad in Wired (800px wallpaper), styled up just like a Wired cover and a co-worker using another image as a wallpaper at work. Combined with the weekly ads for the previous season running on local television it was just enough to consider it. With a full season on dvd at less than $30 it makes for a good supplemental 'gift' for the season ahead.

The other item from 16.10 worth a note was a quote by Zucker from Hulu; "the best way to combat piracy is to make your content available". Not too far off from the NRKbeta doctrine and good words to take to mind in turbulent times