Thursday, December 4

Forget me - or not

Facebook Friendonomics: "friendships, like long-forgotten photos and mixtapes, would distort and slowly whistle into oblivion, quite naturally, nothing personal." [Scott Brown, Wired 16.11]

Love the point about a "Fade Utility" - sort of the same way your rss reader could do with a "sort by actually reading" button. There is too much information, too many posts, tweets and articles to have any chance of seeing it all - never mind responding or reflecting on it.

Social overload as the next disorder? ADHD taken to the next level? Do we need to loose touch with some in order to maintain touch with ourselves? Or is the net helping us expand our social capabilities and the ability to fade people in and out?

testing blogthis bookmarklet, still missing labels, but otherwise fair enough

witcher enhanced out on tuesday - and a console version announced, time to get playing