Friday, February 6

FreakAngels -still ongoing

Episode 0043: was amazing in it's weird way. With page 3 clearly a moment to remember. A bit more is revealed about the 'angels and their powers, and also some of the 'blast from the past'.

Somehow the series pulls me in for huge burst, then spits me out and hides in plain sight for a month or so. Then it is back in for an hour or more of solid amazement. Creativity first. Commerce second. Story above all.

Makes me believe that this online thing has something going for it. Bringing back the direct relationship and the storyteller / minstrel tradition, spinning the tale a bit at a time - stretching the canvas so to speak.

"FREAKANGELS is a free, weekly, ongoing comic written by Warren Ellis and illustrated by Paul Duffield."

- 44 episodes of 6 pages, some interludes and a holiday greeting.

FreakAngels is TM and ©2009 Warren Ellis, and is recommended for mature audiences.

...and the sun shone brightly between the snowflakes...