Saturday, February 7


So this is direct from the touch - online at blogger. Had to swap into HTML edit mode to get typing, but now it works lime a charm.
the real topic: Clive t. Again. 17.01 "this I'd your brain onvideo"
how will them glut of content affect the way we think?
will video take another major step in our lives?
most people spend a lot of more time on tv than reading books or papers. But when we study it I'd mostly books. How will that change with tons of related video? Courses, lectures, experiments like the flying bottles... Can we learn and remember as well or better with visual aids, as was mentioned on spos: 40% are auditory that makes podcasts as good as personal lectures.

Sorry, no copy means no links now. Will try to go back later and add in the most relevant ones.also loving the double space for point trick. Wondering if there are any others. Google next :D pretty code time on the responses as well when typing quickly. Loving it.
...and the sun won't shine, so no pictures today of the winter wonderland outside...