Tuesday, June 29

Endning the day on a meta note

Well, 2010 is set to shortly surpass 2009 in terms of posting and production... in general the first five months of 2009 had at least on post per month. Then junior came along, and during the summer I attended Bloggcamp - got a free WP suitable hosting, set that up along with a free WP install, a Tumblr and a bit more time on Twitter. So I shared content, and I wrote a bit - but a lot of it in Norwegain, some of it "just" retweeted rather than commented and expanded on, and none of it here.

Now the assorted Norwegian blogs and experiments have all lapsed and been migrated into one common, free and hosted Wordpress.com blog (really good things happening with the 3.0 version, and merging MU back into the main branch) - and the Tumblr is set a temp storage for tweets and ideas in general. Sort of an extended draft box.

That means that after basically a full year hiatus (one comic and one book initiated post not withstanding), the time has come to get 3-3-3 back up to speed.

Seven years and close to four months have passed since the initial posting [pre post titles and page per post even], one of 12 during that first month, but the total for the year petered out at 37.

Then came the "golden" years of '04 and '05 both with 100+ posts - followed by two years of 50+, before '08 just inched past 40 after a big finish (15 posts in December, lots of ideas needed to drain and sort through)

First goal for the year is at least one post per month the rest of the way - and a total above 25. 

Considering the stack of Wired mags, and the possible goldmine in the "shared" feed in Google Reader (197 and counting), it should be pretty feasible.

And the big dual shout for actually kick starting this goes to mr Seth Godin (laying the groundwork via Linchpin, my first iBooks book) and Steven Pressfield with the War of Art (just got 20 pages in, so I guess it works - hard copy, doodling and lining my way ;D)