Wednesday, July 7

Dont just do it, own it

Great post by seth a few days ago, on taking things to the next level in terms of projects

Committing to not simply managing the process, but actually owning the results, running instead of reporting from the sidelines.

There is something to be said for taking the metaphorical bull bythe horns, wrest control of something that just seems to thunder along on its own and actively shape it info a usefull outcome. And this afternoon just before leaving the office I finally git around to preparing for just that - wirting up two project overviews in terms of how I'd like to see them go - which probably means that I will in fact have to actively run them to a certain degree... But come xmas time that will probably make me more content overall

I'm "blaming" parts of this on inchpin, it is an inspirational read, and i'm now spending a bit of time with War of Art as mentioned. Just finished part two, so onwards and upwards. Seems like the summertime is a good time for reading this year, with a bit of a lower speed at work there is energy left over for reflection aswell.
- ...and the sun beta a short break as well today, showers in the afternon...