Friday, July 9

Remember that book, the feeling, the ideas?

n Defense of the Memory Theater, Solid and interesting piece thanks to arts and lettere daily, in itself a great break from the normal rss streamlined focus or cluttered pages.

Books are more than just the content, they are an experience, reflecting both the writer and most importantly the reader and the corcumstances.
That is one of the things that Impersonally found quite good about iBooks, the bookshelf interface with the ability to trigger ideas and memories just from the covers. The latest kindle update (on the actual kindle) with collections goes a long way towards the same increased value of the books over time. And the online annotation site for kindle is also quite nifty - almost a hidden secret... And it also seems to be taking a fe w steps in terms of ease of use and design.

As I look over my own shelf, I see my life pass before my eyes. The memories grafted onto each volume become stirred and awakened by a glance at the spine, which presents itself to be touched, opened, and explored. Without the bookshelf’s landscape to turn to, that manifest remainder from a lifetime of reading, how would one think? What would one write?

So keep the improvements coming, and maybe i'll even get around to "digitizimg" my offline library, care of services like goodreads - might be fun to contrast and compare