Tuesday, June 28

The big 450?

It took a bit of time, and quite a few stops and restarts - but this should be post number 450 here on the 3-3-3 blog. So still some room for growth, and perhaps a more planned celebration/recap on closing in on 500 posts or ten years (depending on what comes first/last...) Stay subscribed - RSS is the ONLY meaningful way to get the erratic posts.

The main topic of the day isn't all meta - but almost;

Information (..) could not only get that, but then she’d be given recipes specific to the location where she’s looking at the wine: chowder pairings in Boston and chili recommendations in Austin.
Quote from mr Brogan - don't get hung up on tech - sure it needs location awareness, some sort of id input (code, name, qr,..) and a database, but for the user it is all about getting more from their interaction with the wine, on her own terms.

Which is a good reminder - it is really easy to fall in love with shiny objects (be they iPads or CSS regions prototypes), especially when you spend most of every working hour either learning, developing, testing or debugging new stuff.

so how to keep the open mindedness needed to reboot while keeping things grounded? How to be playful and exploratory, yet at the same time focus on the everyday nuisances the users don't even really know they have?